Lately, I have been putting more time into my Facebook page and Instagram feed, so there’s little time left to write on the blog. However, I wanted to share a recent experience with you guys and so, here goes another post… Enjoy!
I received an invitation last week from my Instagram friend Chan Rin (@vividribbon) to participate in something very cool: Creative Edmonton had put together a market-style event called “Heroes and Villains”, to showcase local artists, businesses, and musicians and they needed photographers. I was glad to be asked to take part in this, and so I went and checked out the action.
No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the Continent, a part of the main.
John Donne, 1624
The event took place at MacEwan University and there were many things to see and do. A number of performances, dancers, musicians: definitely something for everyone. The vendors were plenty and diverse, from henna artists to painters, jewelry, cards, clothing… lots of fun stuff. There was even a 3D printer demonstration. They were making Minecraft characters. Pretty cool.
Among the vendors, one caught my attention: Kaytlyne Dewald had a very interesting style and an amazing amount of things for sale: from mugs to iPhone cases, cards, and paper and canvas prints and collages of various sizes. Her subjects are characters of pop culture, such as Tyrion Lannister, Spock, Yoda, Ron Burgundy, Spiderman, Batman, The A-Team, and more. She was very kind to chat with me for a few minutes, and I really enjoyed her pieces. You can check out her website by clicking on her name above.
I also had a chance to meet and chat a little with the man behind Faces of Edmonton, a very cool photographic project that I learned about last year. Shayne Woodsmith is a very talented photographer and storyteller that takes pictures of random people in our city and gets to know them a little more.
As I strolled through the venue, I found two stands offering beer tasting. I was happy to try a few new beers – Steam Whistle and Big Rock’s Dunkelweizen and Wai-iti. These guys were a lot of fun to hang around and all the while they gave me free beer. Not bad, not bad…
I close today’s post with a pic of a shy kid that seemed to be having too much fun to take his mask off:
To see the world through the eyes of a child – That’s the true magic.